The Department performs works in the field of geology and engineering geotechnics, including:

  • assessment of the quality of the subsoil for construction purposes, in particular for work in special conditions covering the third geotechnical category, vibration of foundations, as well as construction in mining areas,
  • measurements of the behavior of the subsoil and building structures, including the possibility of developing and implementing dedicated monitoring systems, including the observation of static and dynamic parameters, water relations, and ground and structure displacements.

These works concern the unstable behavior of the subsoil, in particular:

  • soil and structure stability analysis,
  • the use of geosynthetics in the stabilization of the subsoil and the construction of communication routes,
  • assessment of the work of foundation columns and piles as well as sheet piling and diaphragm walls, especially in areas endangered by water and in mining areas.

The department also offers:

  • laboratory and field tests of static and dynamic subsoil parameters, including a triaxial compression apparatus with the use of bender elements, also with the use of static probes (CPT, CPTU) and dynamic tests (SCPT, SCPTU), stress-strain relationships, compressibility modules primary and secondary, Atterberg limits, granulometric analysis of soil material,
  • testing of soil swelling, determination of organic content, testing of optimum soil moisture and maximum volumetric density of the soil skeleton, as well as testing of water aggressiveness,
  • analyzes, calculations and static and dynamic tests of structure foundations, including machine foundations, diagnostics of building foundations, including industrial structures,
  • verification of design assumptions in relation to the prevailing ground and water conditions and consultations on various problems related to the ground, carried out in accordance with applicable Polish and European standards.